Just like that, we dusted off the first month of the year and it's time to download and print the calendar page for the month of February already. It is available for you to grab on the freebie page. If you aren't a member already, do sign up, it's free and you get access to other cool printables as well doing so.
January was a busy month of family visit and trying to get ready for the year ahead after a busy month of December and festive whirlwind.
I'm looking forward to a quiet-ish month of February and getting back to designing printable stickers for you guys again. As some of you might have noticed, the only freebie in January was the calendar page. I'm also looking for blog posts ideas, so if you have suggestions, please drop them in the comments below. Meanwhile if you join me on Patreon, you'll get first dib on the artwork going for the 2024 calendar as I am draw these all along this year to not feel the rush next Ocotober/November. They are available as stickers, wallpapers or printable art prints depending the tier you join at and currently the illustration for January 2024 is up for all tiers and the February one will come all through the month in its various versions.